Kamis, 11 Mei 2017

The reason for choosing a management department

At the beginning I was educated at the University, I want to be able to enter the State University, not because the cost is cheap, the cost is relatively in my opinion. But I used to think that lectures at State University can guarantee my future career. As time goes by, I am not accepted at the State University as I see fit. Finally, my parents advised me to take the path of scholarship at Gunadarma University. My parents' view, education anywhere, depends on each of us in running it. Many of my parents' friends were studying at Gunadarma University and all were quite successful after graduating from college. But back again to ourselves each can compete in finding a job after college.
I register at Gunadarma University. At the time I register, there are two majors that I take the Management and Accounting. Because I graduated from high school with IPS majors, then it's good if I continue to multiply my knowledge in the world related to the Economy. I personally say that Majamenen is a versatile science, not just for the world of work, in everyday life was the science can be used.
Finally selected the Department of Economic Management by me. And until now, alhamdulillah I enjoy the decision that I have chosen to continue my education in Management majors.
Management is an art in managing and managing and managerial it is important in every aspect of life.
In this day and age, employment is getting more open and competition is getting tighter. If our competencies and skills are mediocre then it will be difficult to compete, therefore we must have a very mature expertise to compete. To have a skill course must be taken with the path of both formal and nonformal education. Thus the lecture became the dream of many people to be able to achieve the desired success. In choosing the course majors should be in accordance with the interests and expertise.

There are some promising majors for the future with established career paths and certainly a sizeable salary. Well, one of the majors that I choose is Management, why is that? Because management majors or study programs learn about the responsibilities in the management of an organization or company, management graduates have high organizational skills and are required in administrative roles. Job prospects have a wide range of career paths available in the field of management. Many of these graduates work on project management or organizations that are responsible for investment security, managing budgets and ensuring employee welfare. Management graduates can also develop themselves as managers or entrepreneurs with integrity. And certainly management will always be used in everyday life, so that our goals are achieved well.

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